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Burn-Up W: On the Case & in Your Face
by Dan Borses  
review ratings information
Overall: 8.5
5 "Burn-Up W" overcomes the formula that often afflicts animated police action stories by branching out into cyberpunk and playing up humorous elements in the story.

Story: 7.0
The hackneyed plot revolves around a criminal organization's attempts to market a Virtual Drug, but the various subplots sugarcoat what would otherwise be bitter familiarity.

Character Development: 8.0
Rio, the central protagonist, goes from buxom, blond siren to a vengeful maniac that puts Khan of "Star Trek II" fame to shame. Moreover, the change is presented in a logical and believable fashion.

Art/Animation: 8.0
Two words - dynamic and sexy.

Translation: 5.0
The dialogue is pregnant with character and truly well done.

Acting: 9.0
This is one film that actually benefits from an over-the-top presentation of its dialogue. Lines that would read like kitsch come off sounding sublime. Rio's oscillation between ass-kicking policewoman and distressed victim of her own over-spending proves especially entertaining.

MPAA Equivalent: PG-13
For violence and nudity, but no actual sex.


Looky-Looky Factor: 9.69
Not only is the protagonist one of the sexiest blondes in anime, but she tries to sell her underwear to a fetishist shop!

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Projectile-Firing Stick Factor: 9.0
Maya likes to fire off guns. A lot.

David Arquette Factor: 8.9
The translator and actor endows Yugi, the sole male member of Team Warrior, with the hybridized dorky charm of this well-known actor.

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