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by Shizuki Yamashita / DMI staff

May 2001 Observations

File date: 5/3/01
Subject: Failed!
Ikuni takes the paper test to get a driver's permit. Failed!

Ikuni took the Japanese language version. Failed!

Ikuni studied all night long, but didn't know that road signs were going to be on the test. Failed!

Ikuni missed four, when he can only miss two. Failed!

Better luck next time, Ikuni.

File date: 5/4/01
Subject: Congratulations!
Ikuni takes the paper test for the driver's permit again. He gets the same test as yesterday. Lucky! He passes with a perfect score. Congratulations!

Time to get off the road, folks.

File date: 5/7/01
Subject: Don't Tell Mummy
Ikuni goes to see "The Mummy 2" with Ken over the weekend. He doesn't like it as much as he thought he would.

"The use of CG wasn't very good."

File date: 5/9/01
Subject: Marooned
The DMI staff forgets to pick up Ikuni from school, leaving him stuck there for over two hours. Usually he calls Shizuki's cellphone for pick-up, but she is out of town on business.
Ikuni comes back to the office starving & cold.

File date: 5/10/01
Subject: Doodling at the Office
Ikuni has been drawing DMI staff caricatures for the past week. He thinks it would be funny if everyone is depicted as cats.

I take a look at the initial pencil sketches. Great. I haven't lost weight in this new version either. And I have even darker rings under my eyes.

All that aside, Akadot will be uploading Ikuni's original sketches soon, which he's inked and colored himself.

File date: 5/16/01
Subject: Taking Shots at DMI
Luis, our poofy-haired editor of Akadot, wrote an Ikuhara drinking game - based on reports from this observation journal.

Ikuni gave up drinking and smoking when coming to Los Angeles. As he put it, the reason for giving up smoking:

"(A young girl) looked at me as if she was looking at a criminal."

The photo for the Ikuhara drinking game was shot at DMI's conference room. Pictured (from left to right) are: Tiffany, Shane, Ikuni, Shizuki, and Luis. Contrary to popular belief, DMI staff do not always drink during work hours. Only sometimes.

File date: 5/19/01
Subject: Forgotten Again
The DMI staff took a field trip to E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo).

As I waited in line to take pictures with the Tecmo booth girls cosplaying as Dead or Alive 3 characters, a thought crossed my mind:

Ikuni would have liked to take a picture with these girls.

Then another thought:

Damn. I forgot to invite him to come.

File date: 5/20/01
Subject: No Hard Feelings
Ikuni loves hot tubs. On some days, he goes to the jacuzzi twice a day.

Apparently, it's a great place to meet women.

He writes in his Exchange Diary with Maria Kawamura on the Japanese Ikuni Web:

"I was swimming when a woman in a bathing suit and her child join me in the pool. The child is about 3 or 4. Even though she had a child, the woman was in excellent shape and had an amazing body."

Over the phone, Ikuni tells me that he was sitting in the hot tub today, when two women joined him and started talking to him.

"They were talking fast, and I got flustered. American women are really outgoing, aren't they?"

I guess he didn't have to go to E3 afterall.

Upload date: 5/26/01
The journal is on time this week, but we still don't have images. Sorry! Tune in next week, where Ikuni pirates cable. --Shiz

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