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Top 10
Anime never meant to hurt anyone. But it did. Here's food for thought the next time you salivate with joy at popping that brand new Gundam DVD in for a relaxing evening of anime delight. We expose...

Top Ten Unintentional Victims of Anime's Growing Popularity

10: Condom manufacturers, as the rising rate of anime watching has created an inverse fall in sex being had.

9: Acetate cell sheet wholesalers, who have been enjoying the gluttonous market precipitated from American animation's 24 frames per second, will suffer as people become more comfortable with watching animation created in 3 frames per second.

8: Gun manufacturers, as wackos designate the katana their weapon of choice when slaughtering their families.

7: Digital Manga, Inc.

6: The Family Channel and the Trinity Network, both of which refuse to air anime.

5: The US Armed Forces, which will be rendered obsolete by a precocious teen whose garage-built mecha executes Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the re-incarnated Iatola Komani and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (the latter accidentally when a barrage of missiles misfired and hit the neighbor's sun room).

4: Elizabeth Taylor, who discovers that she can't orgasm without being penetrated by thirty prehensile schlongs.

3: Fox Studios, which suffers intense public indignation when the mainstream audiences are allowed to compare the televised Escaflowne with the real Escaflowne.

2: Dolph Lundgren, when casting agents learn that they can replace the stiff, stilted, six-packed Rocky foe with a stiff, stilted 24-packed anime character.

1: The Friends cast, all of whom have become huge anime fans and continually fail to come into work - save for David Schwimmer who, having no taste, skipped out on anime, and showed up to work only to discover that the writers had killed off his character, Ross Gellar, with a barrage of missiles misfired from a mecha and intended to target Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Ross's new neighbor.

As always, Akadot welcomes submission for new top ten lists based on existing topics or on entirely new topics. Email all entries to editor@akadot.com.