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Top 10
Another year past, another year speculation ... over how long the Pokémon phenomenon can hold out. Prophesying the Nintendo import's eventual demise we've brainstormed a list of how to recycle Pokémon figures when the sales figures start to dip. Now that you've caught them all, what are you going to do with them?

Top Ten Uses for Overstocked Pokémon Dolls in the coming year

Caterpie Ekans Pidgey
10: Shish kabob.

9: Scour for them in garbage cans and redeem them for five cents at the recycling center.

8: Send them back to Japan. En mass.

7: Attach electrodes to their heads, feed them with genetic fluid and bring them all to life to sell as real-life pets.

6: Firecrackers. Lots of firecrackers...

5: Melt them down into a huge plastic mecha.

4: Convert them into decorative salt and pepper shakers.

3: Hollow them out to use as antenna-toppers.

2: Sell them to stupid kids and say that they're "Digimon."

1: Stick them in a room with a bunch of typewriters to see how long it takes them to come up with "Hamlet."
Coffing Pikachu
Pokémon © 1997, 2000 Nintendo, CREATURES, GAME FREAK, TV Tokyo, ShoPro, JR Kikaku, Pokémon, Pikachu and all other Pokémon character names are tradmarks of Nintendo.