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Sprechen Sie Deutsch? -  Straight talk with Asuka

In response to fan characterization of Asuka as "the annoying one," Tiffany Grant, opinionated and articulate as she is, composed a defense for her doppelganger on an "Evangelion" fan site.

"I really feel like I got to know her intimately," Grant writes. "She became a part of me. She's kinda like my kid sister, which is why I feel the need to stick up for her." Stepping out from behind the anime guise though, the angelic Tiffany Grant lets us in on her affinity and enthusiasm for sci-fi, as well as her true age, at Project: A-Kon 2000.

Are you a morning or night person?

TG: Night.

Do you have any superstitions?

TG: Hmm...No I don't think so. I can't think of any.

How much money would it take for you to swear off any connection with anime?

TG: It would have to be a lot. It would be way in the millions of dollars. It would have to be a lot of money. It would be very, very hard.

How do you spell "panacea?"

TG: P-A-N-A-C-E-A.

What was the last book you read?

TG: Oh, reading it right now. "The Second Foundation" by Isaac Asimov.

So are you into Sci-Fi?

TG: Big science fiction reader, yeah, read a lot of science fiction…

What about Fantasy?

TG: I read a little bit of fantasy. Actually I just bought a hard copy of "Lord of the Rings."

Are you excited about it?

TG: I read it 20 years ago (deliberately speaking into the microphone with an emphatic tone), and I was three when I read that. I was three years old.

Are you excited about Peter Jackson's upcoming "Lord of the Rings" films?

TG: Yeah! I think that's cool. That's one of the reasons I want to read it now. I know they won't get everything in.

Who would win in "Celebrity Deathmatch," Janeway or Picard?

TG: Hmmm…well, Janeway is very clever (long moment of contemplation). Oh gosh…I think its Picard (penitently - asking for forgiveness). I'm sorry Catherine, please forgive me. She just got turned into a Borg, too.

Oh she did? I've not been up...

TG: I'm sorry, that was the season finale. I'm sorry! She got turned into a Borg.

Would you like to have an angelic kind of image or devilish kind of image?

TG: Oh...golly...hmm…I guess probably an angel. That's probably not how most people see me.

Do you speak any other languages?

TG: Yeah, kline Deutch: a bit of German.

Are you part German?

TG: No, I learned it in school. I just retained a lot of it, which came in very handy in doing "Evangelion" since I wrote all the German dialogue for that.

Do you prefer e-mail or snail mail?

TG: Wow...snail mail by far. Yeah.

Do you actually keep up letter writing?

TG: Somewhat. I'm not as good at it as I used to be, but yeah I do. I do enjoy writing letters. And if I get mail - like paper mail - from fans, that gets read a lot quicker than e-mail does.

Really? Wow...Are you right or left-handed?

TG: Right.

Do you know your blood type?

TG: That's such a big important Japanese question. Hmm…I think it's "A negative" and that would be my phone ringing … (as Tiffany rummages for her cell phone).

Primarily known in the anime community as one of the most prolific ADV voice actors, Ms. Grant's work also includes script adaptations for titles such as "Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis" (1998) and "Miyuki Chan in Wonderland" (1996).

Tiffany Grant