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How Did 'Robotech' Change My Life?: Results of Akadot's Robotech contest

Akadot would like to thank all that entered our "How did 'Robotech' change my life?" contest and congratulate all of our prizewinners. Below, we've listed the winning entries and several honorable mentions. All prizes donated courtesy of ADV Films.

Note: Not everyone will agree with our choices, nor do we at Akadot feel that our readers should. We chose winners based solely on the answer to the question, a highly subjective evaluation process, but one that we felt was consistent with the spirit of the contest.


Justin Ordonez has won our grand prize, a "Robotech: Legacy" Box Set, which includes two DVDs containing the first 12 episodes and an extras disc, signed by Carl Macek for this winning entry ...

I was a boy whom loved to play war. After Robotech, nothing was the same. I valued life. I understood sacrifice.

Scott David Penney has won a "Robotech: First Contact" DVD, which includes the first six episodes, signed by Carl Macek for this winning entry ...

Before I stated reading the "Robotech" books I was four grade levels behind in school but as I started to read more and more my reading ability was greatly improved. I attribute this directly to "Robotech" the story grasped me, it jumped started my imagination and fueled my lust for reading.....Thanks Mister McKINNEY for all those fantastic books that helped me improve a very important part of my self......my mind.

Jack S.W.A. Makinson - Sanders has won a "Robotech: First Contact" DVD, which includes the first six episodes, signed by Carl Macek for this winning entry ...

Growing up in the Huston ghettos I used to pretend the kids beating me up were Zentradi and that I was a Gladiator, sometimes winning.

(All runners up will receive a "Robotech: First Contact" DVD)

Hugo De Billie IV

What it has done is realize any invading alien force should be blasted from the skies before they even try to communicate. So, I think it's changed me by making me non tolerant of an alien species trying to visit our planet.

Alexander Franklin

Robotech taught me that people are complex; villains have good intentions, heroes have flaws, and we are all driven by personal goals and personal demons.

Anthony Milo

When I first saw Robotech I was but a kid. Robotech taught me lessons I didn't fully understand at the time. Like your actions have consequences, people die and love but most important is that girls can be really weird.

Jim Song

For one thing, my kid's wouldn't have the names: Max, Miriya, and Roy.

Josephine Miller

Robotech was the first anime that my then boyfriend showed me. It was one of the first things we had in common. We're married now.

(Some of the more colorful answers we received that we feel are well worth a glimpse)

David Voderberg

It introduced me to anime. It showed me that there was a world larger than myself out there. There are other people in other countries telling stories, and those stories are relevant to my life. It showed me was can all communicate with each other, and we all have something to say.

Jason Ghormley

It hasn't changed my life, it controls it. I have been a avid fan since I was 5. I have all 85 episodes Factory sealed. Plus anything that says "Robotech" or "Macross" on it. I wouldn't part with these for my life. I plan to be buried with my set despite my family's opinion. I live, eat, and sleep Protoculture.

Mark Moody

"Robotech" taught me much about human nature. I realized that all races, regardless of race or culture, are bound together by an emotional foundation.

Warren L. Mundell

This might sound a bit scary, but the way "Robotech" changed my life it was a factor in my decision on joining up with the U.S. Air Force. Now as nutty as that seems, piloting is the furthest thing in my mind!! I'm actually a crew chief on F-16s. Pretty much just think of Lunk's job and that's what I do on aircraft. Just the thought of actually working with a real military branch after watching "Robotech" when I was much younger got me to where I am today. Not too mention I would have to say it was one of the first anime I watched and it can contributed to my attending of Project: A-Kon for three years in a row now.

Cie Siyavash Sharp

I learned, that if a dork like Lynn Kyle could get (his cousin) Minmei, then maybe, just maybe, there's hope for me yet.

Erik Barragan

"Robotech" exploded into my life fourteen years ago, and I loved it. An intergalactic war with planes that transformed into robots, a great fortress that also changed configuration. And at the heart of the war, a love story. A triangle spanning the length of the war. The music soared into my ears, pumping my heart with a multitude of possible adventures (We will win!). I've never forgotten ROBOTECH. How did it changed my life? It made me dream.

Edward Hunt

Four words pretty much sum it up - ROBOTECH MADE ME GAY.

John Eric Landino

"Robotech" is about human unity conquering strife, revealing the necessity and importance of the social ethic. Thus, I was inspired to always do my part.

Ariel Rodriguez

"Robotech" helped me understand why my girlfriend's dad hates me so much for kissing her in public. He has a Zentradi mentality.

Daneil Smith

"Robotech" changed my wh0le outlook on life, from the way I thought, to how I interacted with people. It gave me the inspiration to create.

Marc Joseph Roman

"Robotech" is the perfect take on the classic theme of make love not war, and actually helped shape my views of war and peace.

Michael Halverson

"Robotech" gave me the inspiration through college so that now, with degrees in Aerospace Engineering and robotics, I work for our nation's space program.

Patrick Tehvand

"Robotech" came at a time of loss (my father killed in Falklands 3 years earlier) and symbolized the struggle I had with the fatherless world.

Chen Dingming Benedict

Inspiration to work towards our goals... Fostering trust between friends...Importance of teamwork...Handling complex relationships...Prevention from being as loud-mouthed as Ben Dixon.


I have killed for "Robotech."