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The Dub Track
by Ryan Mathews
Shamanic Princess
"Shamanic Princess" is a flawed dub, but the flaws are not so bad as to make it a terrible aural experience. Tiara's voice is at times annoying. Goddard overdoes it as the Throne of Yord. And some, I'm sure, will hate Japolo's accent (though, as I said, I loved it). But on average, the acting was good, and I found myself enjoying the dub by the time the series was over.

Rating: **1/2 (out of 4)

Vital Stats
Released by: U.S. Manga Corps (Central Park Media)
Dub by: Mercury Productions
Director: Arlen Tarlofsky

Tiara - Tara Jayne
Lena - Suzy Prue
Kagetsu - Crispin Freeman
Japolo - P.M. Lewis
Leon - Alvaro J. Gonzalez
Throne of Yord - Tristan Goddard

Note: Tristan Goddard also plays Tiara's original partner, Graham, in the two-episode "prequel" which concludes the series. Graham seems to constantly teeter on the edge of madness, and Goddard does well in portraying this instability. I prefer this performance to his other as the Throne of Yord.

I couldn't possibly write this column without the help of the Dub Seiyuu Database.

Agree? Disagree? Have a comment about a dub, or just about dubbing in general? Let me know!

The views and opinions expressed in The Dub Track are solely those of Ryan Mathews and do not necessarily represent the views of Digital Manga, AKADOT or its sponsors.

Shamanic Princess © Princess Project / Bandai Visual / Movic / Central Park Media.
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