Aristocrat and the Desert Prince, The (Yaoi Novel) [US] - Akadot Retail

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Aristocrat and the Desert Prince, The (Yaoi Novel) [US]
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Aristocrat and the Desert Prince, The (Yaoi Novel) [US]

Product ID: #9781569700723
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In his young life, Takeyuki has never really known hardship. The youngest son of a wealthy family, he has never had any difficulty getting anything he desired. Now, though, Takeyuki is enjoying his last month of freedom before he begins working at his father’s import company in Tokyo, and he has decided to spend that time with his brother and his sister-in-law in Cassina, a small country in the Middle East. Little does Takeyuki know that his prideful manner will soon land him in hot water! In Cassina, some dangers are very real and some people are not who they seem. For example, who exactly is the charming, majestic man who won’t stop staring at Takeyuki during their flight to Cassina, and why do his blue eyes make Takeyuki feel like his chest will burst?

Author/Artist: Haruhi Tono (Author), Ai Hasukawa (Illustrator)
ISBN: 1569700729
ISBN-13: 9781569700723
Manufacturer: Juné
200 (approx.)
Dimensions: 4.3" x 6.8"
Age Mature (M)
Release Date: Aug 19, 2009

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